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1 December 2024 20:29

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Asked by: Clark
Subject: HOW BIG ?
Question: What is the diameter of the largest gyroscope ever put together, by man; that still retained gyroscopic behaviors?
Date: 1 July 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: webmaster@gyroscopes.org - 01/07/2004 14:02:00
 The biggest gyroscope must be ship stabilizing gyroscopes These start at around a ton. I don't know which ship has the biggest. You could say things like a Ferris Wheels are gyrosopic but because they go so slowly there is not much force behind them.

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Answer: Joe Spenner - 01/09/2005 03:39:38
 Possibly the largest gyroscope could be our planet, a galaxy, or even the universe.

The Author of All Good can really give the best answer:

The Book of Wisdom:

"Before the Lord the whole universe is as a grain from a balance or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth."

What is the centrifugal force of a globe, 8,000 miles in diameter, rotating 24,000 miles in 24 hours, or is this all too mixed?

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