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1 December 2024 20:52

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Asked by: John D.
Subject: Who Actually invented the Gyroscope?
Question: Can you pinpoint it down to one person?
Date: 7 October 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: webmaster - 20/01/2007 17:59:38
 Although the invention of the gyroscope is widely attributed to Jean Bernard Léon Foucault in 1852, very similar versions had already been invented. Foucault coined the word gyroscope and improved the design to a disk shape with a thick outer rim. He also found the first scientific application for the gyroscope; by measuring the rotation of the earth. Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von Bohnenberger discovered the gyroscope effect in 1817, using a rotating ball in gimbals rather than a disk. While professor Walter R. Johnson demonstrated a “Rotascope” in 1831 and Mr. Edward Sang suggested an experiment using a device like a gyroscope in 1836.

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