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Asked by: ravi
Subject: Lets talk physics
Question: Check out my posting @ http://relmachine.blogspot.com

Can anyone answer the question I pose at the end of today's post?
If so, how do they propose to connect the two sciences?
Date: 14 April 2009
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 14/04/2009 20:10:18

Not being extremely competent in physics (least of all in electronics), what I do know of physics tells me that life-size mechanical objects behave in a classical manner at familiar velocities, and electrons (and/or waves) behave more in line with quantum mechanics.

The introduction of elastic mechanical components appears to reconcile the world of mechanics, with the world of electronics, but perhaps only to limited degrees.
I don’t think that electronic communications would have been possible by analyzing electric wave propagation through strictly classical methods (never mind electromagnetic waves).
In my amateurish way I can almost connect classical mechanics with electronics by suggesting that spin, combined with very high velocities, may cause behaviors that equal those expressed by quantum mechanics (it’s a long shot).

My apology for the lengthy answer; the short version is that I think the laws of mechanics coupled with elastics may be sufficient to handle electric flows but require further modification in wider consideration of electronics as a whole, and that consideration involves “quantum-mechanics”.

Right or wrong that is my view of the answer for now.

Luis G

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Answer: ravi - 15/04/2009 04:10:15
 Excellent. Thats how it started for me. Good luck.

Now just read Eric Laithwaite's papers over and over. Yep. :) Not kidding.

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 19/04/2009 14:07:40
 Thank You Ravi,

Will you be continuing the blog at “http://relmachine.blogspot.com”?
I found it refreshing and thought perhaps we can explore the physics of spin a bit more.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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Answer: ravi - 21/04/2009 17:05:42
Luis, I will be posting more soon. I would like to post here but i dont think I can post diagrams or jpegs in the content. Or can I?

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 25/04/2009 23:03:55
There is a way to post images in this forum by using the appropriate HTML tags that point to the image elsewhere in the web. However I don’t think the webmaster appreciates it, and it is just as easy to provide the URL for where the image is kept.
So, there is no need.
I will correspond with you on the outside.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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