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Asked by: Luis Gonzalez
Subject: Message to Ravi
Question: Hi Ravi,
Please post any message here and I will get your email.
Best Regards,
Luis G
Date: 19 April 2009
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: ravi - 19/04/2009 22:27:16
 Hi Luis, This is ravi. Message me at this email addy. Just so we can banter off topic without taking up public space here. :)

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Answer: ravi - 23/04/2009 20:21:29
 hmm... Looks like I have pissed off Glenn Hawkins and come across as a chump all without intending to. Oh well. Thats me I guess. *laugh*

Hope all is well with you, Luis?

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 25/04/2009 22:53:31
Sorry for the delay. My schedule has gotten very busy but I am still interested in continuing our conversations.

I would not worry too much about having anyone in a forum upset; it happens more frequently than one would expect especially with the more sensitive participants.

Frankly it’s most likely that only Sandy’s close relatives and friends have Sandy’s email; he moved to a retirement place not too long ago.

The extent that Sandy was willing to share his experience with the world is already included in this forum and in his book. It appears Sandy either did not discover the key to propulsion or was not willing to explicitly tell the world at large about it. I don’t expect that to change.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 26/04/2009 04:36:02
 ravi, I can’t give you Sandy’s email without his permission, but this doesn’t matter. He is reclusive by his own desire and I respect that. I feel like his friend. We talked sometimes of some very emotional things. The last message I received from him was, ‘Alive and Kicking’ He lives in Scotland and builds and invents and flies models airplanes. His life is interesting in many ways and he is something of a historian, especially about the Knights Templar (you remember, books and movie Di Vichy Code‘ and Blood and Holly Grail) as these things dating back to the eleventh century have their roots in both the area wherein he lives, and of course in France. I am a Free Mason and Shiner, (fraternities who’s ancestors are the Knights Templar) so of course we had that and other things in addition to inertial propulsion to talk about.

Sandy is not in a nursing home. You need not try to contact realities. If he wants to converse with you, he will see this site occasionally and he will contact you, but when this man says something I think he really means it. He said he retired from I. P. That;s pretty much it.

ravi. What is it you want to know from Sandy Kidd? I don’t mean to be an ass, but pacifically what is it? Write it down.

Luis quote: “I would not worry too much about having anyone in a forum upset; it happens more frequently than one would expect especially with the more sensitive participants. “

Surely Luis, you are private messaging with ravi so there should have been no reason to make the above statements. “You would not worry?” “You would not be upset?” “It happens frequently?” “With sensitive participants?”

Little Bit, I let you whine and beg off before. You’re not possessed with the wits to war with me, but keep up the references and see how it goes. I suggest--- Not another reference, sound, word, or comment relating to me. Understand?

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 26/04/2009 05:18:06
 My goodness. I don’t know why I do this. I am so intensely involved with other things now -- No more I. P! I gave my life to it-- no more. I click on the site sometimes and sometimes respond -- why? Excuse me fellows. Carry on. Have at it and the best of luck. Sorry to be so disagreeable-- don’t know why I do it. I do it very fast? Yeah. I expect to be shooting a major motion picture come fall. My whole mind, body and sole is in that. I just have been taking a break at times and writing some sh$%^# sometimes here and there. Please excuse what I said. I’ll try to be nicer. Again sorry! Good Luck Luis and ravi.

Happy trails to you,
me --Glenn

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Answer: Sandy Kidd - 26/04/2009 23:21:19
 Shed dwellers & fellow seekers of gyroscopically inspired inertial drive,
Now and again I do look into the “forum” to see if there is anything worth getting excited about, and was amused to see Glenn Hawkin’s posting referring to my present disposition. Thanks Glenn, hope your health is holding up.
How’s the car progressing?
With reference to the posting by Luis, and I can see where he is coming from.
I must say this:
I have repeatedly and in great detail described what actually happens when spinning discs are subjected to radial acceleration, in an effort to get some enterprising person to at least attempt to prove me wrong.
This however was never going to be, although in fairness there are many smart enough people out there who do not wish to get involved in this kind of dialogue, who could have done the experiment “on the quiet”. We may never know.
Unless some kind of acceptance of my findings was going to be forthcoming (6 years is long enough I think) there was no point in continuing with any form of discussion on inertial drive, as it just cannot be produced by utilising accepted physics, as a basis, and believing it is anywhere near correct.
I have said all can say at this time.
It became a bit of a game for me, as I was quite prepared to divulge some of the ways inertial drive can be produced if some of the “fellow seekers” had got on board as it all becomes very intuitive and in the final analysis I would only have to divulge one particular piece of information which I must admit I was extremely lucky in acquiring myself.
That is the bit that allows the transference of rotary momentum into linear momentum without a reaction. The good bit.
I have seen one hell of a lot of hard work put in by some of the keener contributors to this site, it really is a shame it has all been focussed in the wrong direction.
One thing though it does prove that inertial drive is impossible
Just imagine how hard it has been for me to gain any kind of acceptance on this forum, then try to do the same thing in the real world. No chance.
It is not the “flying saucer” which worries “them” it is their precious physics, which must be protected at all cost.
I have decided to cool it a bit as far as inertial drive is concerned and have been making attempts to catch up on many things I have had to discard in favour of the quest, that however does not mean that I am incapacitated in any way, or have stopped thinking about it.
In fact I may decide to make another device if I can just muster enough enthusiasm to make a new start.
Best regards to all

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 27/04/2009 23:34:10
 The car explodes up through the Great Smokey Mountain’s winding roads. It’s perfect for that. When I stomp the peddle to the floor it scares the hell out of me. Hi Sandy. I enjoyed seeing you in form again. Health? I don’t know. I haven seen a doctor in almost a week. A lot can happen in a week. Ha. Actually I feel good. Nothing last forever you know. I’m happy and have only one operation to go. Art Alexander, your neighbor is also having problems. I hope you’re fairing better than we are. Let me hear from you from time to time. Take care now.

Best Regards,

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 28/04/2009 23:31:50
 Hi Ravi,
I wish it were as easy to prove my point about gyro propulsion as it is about personalities.
When will you do your next Blog posting?
I saw your email address but have not had the time or a specific subject to email you about.

It’s good to see you posting again and it great that you intend to build another device.
I am satisfied with my theory all round, and have finally started building nonworking models of the main components to shake out all the issues that will emerge when I start building the actual device.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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Answer: Sandy Kidd - 30/04/2009 00:02:40
 Hello Luis,
Best of luck (and I do mean that sincerely) with your device when you build it, you deserve something for all the effort you have put into it.

Hello Ravi.
If things were as easy as you presume they are I might agree, but unfortunately they are not.
For example a patent is extremely expensive, global cover being totally prohibitive for us ordinary people, so that is a no-no.This is not a game.

I have never met an engineer or inventor (I hate the word) who is prepared to bare his soul prior to the event, and I am no different from the rest.
I will divulge any information I think is necessary for anyone to follow my train of thought, which in fairness does appear to be asking a lot considering the radical nature of my claims, but as I have already said, without excepting my explanation of what really happens when a spinning metal disc is radially accelerated, any claims I have made have been up to this time irrelevant.
25 plus years of debating, discussing, arguing (much of it heated) with people who are so damn sure they are correct in their own appraisal of the “facts”
convinces me that any device I build is built for my own personal satisfaction.
It is unfortunate that the only people who are supposed to understand gyroscopic or more correctly flywheel action do not.
So much wasted time.
The world may eventually catch up, but methinks, I shall be wearing my wooden overcoat long before that ever happens.
Best regards,

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Answer: ravi - 01/05/2009 22:05:07

well, Sandy we could just omit details in the blogs that would be patent-worthy facts and focus on other issues - design issues for instance. Today, I've been thrashing around the problem of flywheel design in my brain and I realized someone will have to reinvent this same wheel later on too (pun intended) - if we pool knowledge, we can save effort, time and money.

So I dont see the patent thing as a deal breaker as far as all of us trying to work and build simultaneously our own designs.

If on the other hand, you are saying you dont have an executable design, if you like, we can chat about my design offline, via email.

i could sure use some flywheels if you've got some ready to use for example. you could also referee my prototype - i've decided to go ahead and make a final 60 day push to put a prototype out there. i'll be nice to have your endorsement first because i know that once i put it out there, unless the effect is profoundly strong, people will be trashing it. Although I dont believe that will be the case at all. I expect the device to show atleast 5 cm of continous hover/hop, perhaps even as much as 15 cm. (with the re-jigging i'm going to do in te next 60 days) and the power input is very low -only 150 watts - for an 8 kg prototype and so thats a significant effect for such a small power input.

and besides if it works like i think it will, it's a vindication of your long efforts to see the solution taking shape and therefore an interesting ride for you, i'd think.
So what do you say sandy? do you or do you not have an executable idea and design?

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