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9 May 2024 09:51

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Subject: Mother Natures Flt Inst.

In some parts of the world the bodies of two winged insects are found perfectly preserved to clear pieces of amber. These mineral deposits are known to be fifty million years old. And the insects themselves, which we now call ‘DIPTERA’, were equipped by nature with a tiny Gyroscopic control which enabled them to find their way through swamp mist and vapour.
The fact that there are some fifty thousand species of the Diptera today ( of which the common house fly is the one which we are the most familiar) gives proof of how well they survived their struggle for self-preservation and how well equipped they were by nature.
What a marvel of compact engineering design! Rthe tiny alternating Gyros of the Diptera are ROD-LIKE WEIGHTS, called halters and they vibrate rather than rotate.. How perfectly they are designed for maximum momentum and minimum weight! And consider exquisite assembly of a muscular system to drive them, a nervous system to detect their indications and differentiate between linear and angular movements , a wing control system for automatically executing the orders of the nervous system. Deprive the Diptera of their Halters and their flight becomes uncontrolled, ending in a crash landing.
Think of it! Gyros fifty million years ago on flying creatures. It is the classical example of the vast time lapses between the existence of our engineering principle in Nature and Man’s discovery of it. The perfection of the tiny Diptera Gyro sets a challenging pattern for engineers today. The gyroscope as a spinning wheel has already been applied to many useful purposes. But todays engineers have answered the challenge of the Halters . Already the have constructed operating models of vibratory or ‘Tuning-Fork’ gyroscopes and successfully demonstrated them in the laborarory Who knows to what useful purposes they may be applied tomorrow?

I think this is a Wonderful Natural system of God's Creation. I still could not follow this much.
Another one is our Earth itself is a Big Gyroscope. Can Tell me about it Precession indetail.
Date: 30 April 2009
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 02/05/2009 14:00:08
 Hi Krish,

Thank you. It is beautifully written. I enjoyed it.

The world: Anything that spins, or vibrates is not necessarily a gyroscope, but all of these are capable of becoming gyroscopes. All that is necessary is an applied force that would alter the plane of alignment they are rotating in. When that happens, spinning, i.e. vibrating objects become gyroscopic and react by with force at a right angle to spin. Wali! precession. So, where does the right angle applied force on the spin direction of earth come from? At first we may think that gravity and solar winds is likely the only possible answers, but do they not fall uniformly on the face of the earth at any one time? Yes, they do. The correct answer I think, is that the earth’s rotating magnetic field is responding toward the sun. I think this must also explain why the earth is tilted as it travels in it’s orbit. Our magnet field began to reverse its self a few years ago. My last information is that scientist do not know why, or what the eventual outcome will be. The magnetic field should cause the earth to wobble in relation to the sun. Does it wobble? Something for you to seek to discover.

Best regards,

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