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18 February 2025 21:58

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Asked by: Julia Kathryn
Subject: How do I make a gyroscope?
Question: Hello - I'm in a science class at school and I would like to know if it is possible to build a gyroscope, but not a bicycle wheel one. I mean is it possible to carve or sculpt a gyroscope, and if so, how? Thank you!
Date: 7 January 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: webmaster@gyroscopes.org - 07/01/2004 12:11:28
 The best way to make a gyroscope is using a lathe. A lathe is usually quite a large machine that can 'turn' (sculpt) either wood or metal. If its a large school they my have a lathe (the school I went to had one). If you haven't can't find a lathe or someone with one then you could maybe try using a holesaw. This would cut cut a circular disk. However it won't be as good as using a lathe.

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Answer: joe - 17/04/2004 03:30:00
 take a few pieces of than aluminum or steel and make them into circles.
weld one circle to the outside of the other circle.Add a piece of steel to the outside rim,and drill a hole through the middle of it.then weld another piece of steel to the top of that one,and make sure it will spin.
then take a long string and put one end of it through the hole and wind it up .
then pull the string wich will make the gyro spin and voila!

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Answer: Marcos Colmenares H - 01/05/2006 04:16:32
 say what?

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Answer: Jerry Volland - 01/05/2006 11:47:57
 Julia Kathryn,

You can also make a simple motorized gyroscope from a CD player, like the ones Wal Mart sells for $9.95. Just take the motor out and use Crazy Glue to permanently fasten an old CD to the platter. Depending on your handle design, you can do various things to entertain your science class.

I made a special, quadrature (two axies of rotation) handle out of clothes hanger wire. Two wires spaced around the motor come down, bend up horizontally at 90o, then come together near the edge of the CD disc, where they are bent - together - at a 60o angle downwards and outwards. A small tube slipped over the wires makes a handle which allows the gyro to be swung back and forth and around in a vertical circle. This device appears to produce thrust. More complete details are posted at:



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Answer: Jerry Volland - 07/05/2006 12:56:26
 I was in the mood to play around, so I bought one of those cheap CD players and tried the motor. It's not as fast as the CD Rom motor and the sound effects are absent. I'm always looking for suitable motors.

If your school doesn't have a lathe, you can still do machining. One of the best tools I have is a Dremel Moto Tool. The gyro's doughnut can be smoothed by spinning it with an electric drill, while carefully holding the edge of the Dremel's cut-off disc against the metal. Ballancing the finished wheel will be the biggest challenge.

Or, you can carve the shape out of wax, then cast a duplicate object out of metal. It's called "lost wax casting". Just make the wheel and spokes, since you can use piano wire for the shaft.


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Answer: Ben Wood - 02/04/2009 20:13:57
 There is a great tutorial that almost anybody can accomplish posted at Trossen Robotics.com


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Answer: Faizyab kazi - 19/05/2010 20:41:25
 you will need
1.an old c.d
2.thread(almunium thread is better)
3.rounded sheet
4.one matchstick
1. Make a hole in the centre of a film can lid.
Weave a 35-cm long thread in it.tie the match stick
once yo pass the thread trough.
2. This is the simple
assembly. The hole
should be loose for the
thread to rotate freely
3. Hang the CD with the end of the
thread. Then rock the CD by swinging
the top of the thread from left to right.
4. You will find that as the CD swings from the left to right
its plane changes. This is because the CD is not Spinning.
4. You will find that as the CD swings from the left to right
its plane changes. This is because the CD is not Spinning.

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Answer: Faizyab kazi - 20/05/2010 08:10:50
 sorry i meant that no 5 is
spin the c.d very fast so that it makes a gyro-effect and even when the thread is moving sideways it always stays in its same position while its spinning

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Answer: Jowly - 29/12/2011 07:19:30
 You may use your body as gyroscope..
1 find a big circle and get inside vertically
2 find a powerful firework hold it with right hand
3 fire it up and start turning

Gyro effect will last as firearm goes

It might increase duration if you had an arrow to the right knee.

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Answer: Jowly - 29/12/2011 07:19:40
 You may use your body as gyroscope..
1 find a big circle and get inside vertically
2 find a powerful firework hold it with right hand
3 fire it up and start turning

Gyro effect will last as firearm goes

It might increase duration if you had an arrow to the right knee.

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Answer: Bang Bui - 06/09/2012 14:25:11
 I have the same need. I reckon I might try some exercise weights, they are cheap and heavy enough to get gyro effect. Now need to find a motor and mount it.

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