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Asked by: Luis Gonzalez
Subject: Can Ravi connect Relativity and Time-Space to Gyro-Propulsion?
Question: Hi Ravi,

Thank you again for your fascinating excursions in search of the illusive source for “gyro-propulsion”. Your posting of 6 August 2009 in your site at http://relmachine.blogspot.com/ takes us in a journey explaining that it may be possible for time to be reversible, or better stated that time has the property of Reflective Symmetry.

I enjoyed this prospect immensely because it addresses a supporting argument as to how propulsion can occur via unexpected forces that may be explainable through relativity and quantum mechanics (which you have been attempting to explain in postings that have lead up to your most recent (as of today) blog at:

I am a firm believer that symmetries provide connections, between “physically observed phenomena”, to the underlying governing rules (math) of the universe (not an original statement but perhaps true).

However, there are 2 very important rules-of-thumb to consider when applying symmetry to “physical events”.
Fist, only certain specific symmetries emerge under certain interactions (not just any symmetry).
Second, correct symmetry conjectures must take into account the correct “event-participant” (e.g. time), as well as the appropriate context in which the “event-participant” takes place.

In my opinion, applying a symmetry-rule to “Time” by it self, can lead to erroneous results.
I submit that the correct application of symmetry should be to the INSEPARABLE “Time-Space” continuum (not just to time by it self).
I also submit that time by it self is meaningless, without space.
Further, while time becomes a “potential” with the existence of space, it cannot become manifested without the existence of matter and motion.

The next issue is - which symmetry is correctly applicable when we observe time phenomena? Should we apply Reflection symmetry, Rotation symmetry, or some other symmetry? (Perhaps it is more accurate to use “three dimensional symmetries.)

The necessary inclusion of “Space” in the “time-space” continuum strongly indicates that “Glide-Reflection” symmetry may be more appropriate, where reversing time (reflection symmetry) affects the position in space (translation symmetry) simultaneously.

The above speculation is probably the easy part. The truly difficult part is determining the MAGNITUDE and DIRECTION of the “space-trade-off” for each increment of time? We could speculate that the magnitude of this space-trade-off is proportionate to the velocity, momentum, force etc. And we could say that the space-trade-off to a time reversal occurs at 90 degrees, but in which direction, right-handed or left-handed? (Opposite handedness may cancel out any gains!)

I leave the answers to these interesting questions in your capable hands Ravi.
In the mean time, some readers are at the edge of their chairs, waiting for a conclusive proof as to how relativity and quantum-mechanics resolves into the conversion of angular-motions into linear-propulsion. The proof is in a demonstration of a successful device.

Meantime, I am still working on the details of constructing a successful mechanical “thruster” (that extends the application-time (duration) of “force” / “Yank” / “J”).
The thrusting component is the most mechanically challenging component of devices that seek to employ classical mechanics to produce “gyro-propulsion”; it is where most previous advanced devices have failed to deliver sufficient “force” / “Yank” in an appropriate direction. This challenge has caused marginal and failed devices in some cases and in other cases the inventors have simply given-up, unable to envision buildable solutions.

I look forward to your next posting and to any answers you may have to my previous questions (mostly I look forward to a demo).

Best Regards,
Luis G
Date: 9 August 2009
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Ravi - 13/08/2009 13:46:19
 Luis, Hi!
Thank you for your praise. But I see you're going to make me walk the razors edge one more time - i'm going to need more time to reply to your most excellent questions above.

I consider that just as every drop of water finds its own way to the ocean (as a great Sanskrit poem says), so too, every phenomenon in the universe can be traced to symmetries. So I consider it to be the natural conclusion of an analysis when I have traced it to a symmetry.

I'm glad that you and I see eye to eye on the importance of the deduction that the symmetry involved is T-Symmetry. Beyond, I will need to ponder. Perhaps you can too. And we can tame the Jabberwock. :)

I will also be making the first videos of the machine this week, which means I will hopefully parse and upload them next week.

I look forward to seeing details of your Thruster.


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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 15/08/2009 15:53:16
 Thank you for your fine response Ravi,

I look forward to the video.
WIll post some of my simple ideas later.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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Answer: Spinman - 21/08/2009 20:47:45
 My gyro machines do strange things I don't understand. Maybe explanations are somewhere between Ravi relativity and Luis ideas. I want to know more. Spinman

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 22/08/2009 17:26:35
 Hi Spinman,

Perhaps you can tell us more about your machines and the strange things they do.

I believe that all spin phenomena is explainable through classical mechanics.
Of course others believe that spin analysis requires going beyond the classical envelope and into using quantum and relativity tools.
The truth is possibly somewhere in the middle, but I suspect we don’t need to borrow too much from the more esoteric theories because we are not dealing with any where near plank-level object size, and they are not moving anywhere near the speed of light.

There is a lot of subtle material to learn here and in Ravi’s blog.

Do be careful to keep a discerning eye for what is real and what is not in this forum (there is misinformation laced with a good measure of ignorance).

Good luck, and Regards,
Luis G.

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Answer: Ravi - 12/09/2009 00:27:22
 New post to calculate the resonance frequency.

Luis, all your comments so far are welcome.

We all share the same path.

Hopefully, it goes somewhere interesting!

More soon.


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Answer: Ravi - 17/09/2009 15:57:32
 Baseline video of the prototype - The first in a series of experiments to demonstrate the capabilities of the prototype of my RelMachine.

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Answer: Harry K. - 22/09/2009 12:33:28
 Hello Ravi,

Thank you for your uploaded videos! Can you provide some parameters like gyro velocities, hub torque, etc? The most interesting part for me would be the question about rotation direction of each gyro. Are the diections equal or contrary to each other?


P.S. The three-legged stand is not very helpful to prove your demonstrations, because the static forces will change accordant to the relativ position of the gyro hub.

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 22/09/2009 17:46:10

Thank you for the initial video. I am happy to wait for the effects we are looking for.
I believe that the configuration will require many changes, but that is only according to my theory.
I hope your device will prove your theory with even if it transcends beyond my understanding.

Best Regards,
Luis G

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