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27 February 2025 02:00

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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins

There is no advantage to be gotten and there never was from forcing a gyroscope to circle continuously around a pivot point, called a hub on this site. To make the gyro rise energy must be added to make it circle faster. To make it descend energy can be removed by breaking, by either slowing the speed of the rotating flywheel, or reducing the force being used to make it circle and thereby reduce the uplifting force so that it may fall. Energy must always be added one way or another to make the gyro rise.

Free lunch was a stupid idea conceived by a man I caught clearly cheating and intentionally miss leading his audience. The professor was a magnificent lecturer, but he stopped being my hero long ago when I caught red-handed cheating in three different experiments he taped. Harry caught him too.

I repeat this. When a gyroscope is forced to pivot around and around it rises. Then what happens? -- nothing. When friction is added to slow either rotation, or circling, it falls. Then what happens?-- nothing. If it is to rise again more energy must be added.

The only chance we have ever had is what the professor did in fact term correctly and explain as mass movement. Mass movement happens when an overhung gyroscope precess half way around a pedestal and then stops. Matter is moved from a rear position to a forward position and though the gyro moved in a curved, it can be extrapolated to have moved exactly forward from one space grid to another. In such a forward action as in this case, I assure you there was no rearward and opposite reaction. That is inertial propulsion. The engineering challenge is to create a machine that contumely repeats these half around actions in such a way that acceleration is constant and builds to great speeds.

Date: 15 January 2011
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