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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: TRUTH
In many years of homemade researching every possible means of creating inertial propulsion, I eliminated all but one possible method.

Having considered even those devices related to ‘free energy’ going back to Greek and Roman recorded beginnings, I found they all failed. Free energy is not possible any more than is inertial propulsion by current methods and hopes.

More particular to this site, the attempts to cause inertial propulsion by rotating a gyroscope continuously around and around using every conceivable mechanical method have failed. It is not possible.

All those who claim to produce inertial propulsion, showing do-nothing apparatus on videos, are either abundantly confused, charmed or outright liars. I disrespect all those purposeful liars, the others I forgive. I disrespect them for disrespecting truth and disrespecting people.

The only possible method that might lead to inertial propulsion I have posted in an article below about manipulating mass movement.
Date: 26 March 2011
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Herman Holushko - 27/03/2011 23:31:45
 Hi Glenn,

Where can I find this "an article below about manipulating mass movement"

Thank, Herman

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 28/03/2011 02:35:29
 Hello Herman Holushko,

It is 12 post down. The title is,


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Answer: Herman Holushko - 28/03/2011 14:44:20
 Thank you very much.


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Answer: patrick hill - 29/04/2011 11:31:59
 dear glenn i hope all others u forgive agnolage or however it spelt,, ure forgiveness
bearing in mind jus maybee the others may see thier preclusion or acumulated answers knolagable more than thee, dont fell downcressen,or in a lull. Someone some of relative time somewhere, someplace somehow will B infront. U have 2 learn dat bru cos mayB jus 1 day in clarification, SOME dik is gonna work it out riyt.

One cannot preclude ones intellegence'
admaration 4 onself an irrelevence
one must muster a dillagence
absorb contractural inner sence

how now brown cow do u see
morning,afternoon,yeah are you
apprehention onlookers will see
clarified not three but two

i shorely did not have to repeat twice
conference ones soul,an endeared quo b nice

Sometimes a fear, the childhood year _to me the one b4 the last one...

nurturing slow slow,How can u perceive lifes arrogance,no no,ho,ho

periferal doubt,,like graffting a coal face that will run out

buy ecck,traversty of industrialisation,bin ngone lad,in just a sec

How then we smelted,clang clang clang consoladated iron ,funace melted
red hot and raw..If only the human heart could openly pour its arabellum

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 29/04/2011 13:32:24
 Dear Patrick,

There is nothing to forgive. You are a sweet guy and I like you. I do not wish to dissuade you. Enjoy your beliefs and reasoning.

To others, I might be willing to argue the point.

Have a good day, Patrick,

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Answer: patrick - 12/05/2011 06:13:29
 29/04/11 was not me

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Answer: patrick - 12/05/2011 06:23:39
 to all others i have not posted here 4 at least 3 months i am 359_367 i think glenn feels he has to, 4 why f... knows but anyone could ring or write on address le2 8eg 43 england or 07766748196

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 15/05/2011 00:56:14
 Look at this foolery. They blow you away with == Thornson inertial engine
The engine is hidden, so if you trust this, I have some home building sites in the Mojave Desert for sale.

Then they show you such an engine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8UBtYph6I0
It is cling and jerk and poor at that.

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Answer: patrick - 01/09/2011 02:39:46
 i know all the entropic ballance, the rythm the rhym. my world my people i strive for......yours a place to learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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