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Asked by: Michael Marsden
Subject: alive and well
Question: Mac-quan 1 is a culmination of a twenty year struggle to demonstrate lift itself against gravity above and beyond its own weight. Mac 1 is also alive and well and still fully functional and has been packaged for future display, I hope, beside the Wright brothers airplane. Subsequent Macs bear no resemblance to the original but all operate with the same principle. Macs are not gyros. Perhaps a linear gyro at best with no precession involved. I prefer to call them "mechanical light' or simply mass displacement systems.

Peoples' natural skepticism has protected me all these years, but yes, I'm still alive and well.

Thanks for caring!

Date: 16 June 2011
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 09/07/2011 23:01:15
Am glad to see that you and Mac1 are still alive. Why did you disappear?
Do you have any more YouTube video demos?

Luis G

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Answer: Anonymous - 31/07/2011 22:10:08
 Very interesting device you have there. I am a second year physics student researching gyroscopic properties when I came upon this website. I would love to get more information on this if possible, I find all this extremely fascinating. Is there any way you could post some of the data you have obtained? I'd be most interested in stuff like energy requirements and how much upward thrust you can obtain on such a small scale. Any information you can provide would be most appreciated and I would be happy to help in any way I can.

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Answer: Nitro Macmad - 08/08/2011 19:02:51

Dear Michael,

Firstly: I am sorry if I have been disrespectful; twice. I am glad to hear that, like your fellow countryman Mark Twain, and indeed me, rumours of demise are greatly exaggerated.
Secondly: I am relieved to read that your Mac 1 is not based on gyro-dynamic precession principles as, if it were, I do not believe - in the size I’ve seen - it would be able to produce the greater than 1G propulsion it seems to display.
I would love to see it run on its side on a trolley – have you any further videos that are safe to release? I understand the fear of accidentally advancing someone else’s progress. In my experience all inventors are, of necessity, paranoid and don’t want to let any detail go that might lead someone else closer to “the impossible”. This caution is often at the expense of their finding a manufacturer or a market.
BTW a medieval described device, of similar (though, naturally, rougher) appearance to Mac 1, was reported to keep rotating for days and days in a sealed room with a small hatch in the door (that was all the inventor would allow others to look through, though no one could approach), for checking it was still rotating. It reportedly had no energy input other that a starting shove. Could this be a mirrored function – like earphones can also be used as microphones – of what Mac 1 might do? If so this should be tried.
Forgive the need to look at the nail holes in your hands. Scepticism is necessary in our area of endeavour.
Please, also, excuse the long delay in responding. I have so many damn inventions that have been dormant for years that now, inexplicably, are suddenly kicking off and keeping me busy that I am struggling to keep up with correspondence. This, at a time of my life that I should be putting my feet up – probably will be soon, underneath daisies!! Hopefully be able to buy a gold plated Zimmer frame first!!
Kind regards
Nitro MacMad

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Answer: R S - 08/08/2011 21:12:48
 I am currently attempting to build a recreation of the original Mac Quan 1 to confirm it works. I believe he is keeping his work mostly secret because he is having it patented. I agree that he should keep it secret until he is ready to unveil it. I belive this thing actually works. It is based on math. It is somehow able to convert angular (rotational) acceleration AND deceleration into linear acceleration (i.e. linear thrust). It actually recreates gravity in one direction. I believe instead of expelling mass (matter) in one direction to create thrust, it actually pushes ENERGY in one direction, without having to expel any mass out of the craft. Therefore, you could have a spacecraft without rocket fuel. You could have just an electric engine in space. We would be able to finally leave the solar system. This thing would leave the solar system in about 6 days. It took Voyager 1 almost 40 years to do that, and Voyager 1 is going 6 miles a second. I think we are on the verge of some exciting times.

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