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Asked by: Stan Spence
Subject: Can a rotating object such as a gyroscope displace gravity?
Question: I have done some gravity research with gyros. I did it to try and prove an equation that calculates the volume of gravity a rotating object displaces. The experiment has been valid sometimes. It's difficult to get a speed reading and a weight reading at the exact same moment. I took two data points and came up with two percentages. One was percentage of weight loss. The other was percentage of gravity volume loss. These two numbers should be the same if the gravity volume that the gyro displaces was accuate. A few times the percentages equaled each other. The reasoning is the percentage of gravity volume lost should equal the percentage of weight loss. And it did, a few times. So, I think there is a possibility there is an equation that can define the volume of gravity a rotating object displaces. Physicist Jacky Jerome recently explained that gravity can be defined as a volume. This new theory is gaining acceptance. When I found out about Jerome's research I decided I might start doing research again. Wichita State University worked with me for a while, but they wanted the gyro in a vaccum which is something I could not afford at the time. I would appreciate your comments.

Kind regards,

Stan Spence
Date: 25 January 2012
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: patrick - 13/02/2012 23:13:11
 07766848196 england i have
no hotmail pls ring

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Answer: nitro - 01/03/2012 22:38:49

This link shows an early prototype step on the path to developing a machine to push in space (or anywhere else) without the need to push against something or to chuck things away - like hot rocket exhaust. In theory it could run on (comparatively) never ending photovoltaic electricity. It seriously questions Newton’s third law of motion and idea of the conservation of linear motion. As you will see, it shoves a weight in one direction in complete disregard of the predictions of the third law. Just to be really naughty it also messes up the law of conservation of linear momentum.

The mechanism (the whole machine) that does the shoving does not react and move in the opposite direction as predicted by the third law but instead, after some perturbation, moves in the same direction that it shoves the weight. Eric Laithwaite was so close, bless him for his efforts to open minds but, as I did in the beginning, I think he forgot that gyros act as if they have no mass in precession and so a separate, independent, mass has to be incorporated in the mechanism, and must be moved, for it to work. This is the latest and perhaps strangest Jogglevision video so far. It is from an eleven year old 8 mm video I just found that I thought I had lost forever.

Mad or genius? Don’t worry if you don’t understand this.

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Answer: Nitro - 03/03/2012 08:38:23
 Dear Stan Spence

You must have thought some nutter in a shed (guilty) had replied when you looked at my e-mail on a totally disconnected matter. I must apologise and can only offer a complete lack of competence in, and hatred of, computers as an excuse. I dread to think where some of my more rambling e-mails have ended up! You may like to look at the YouTube link anyway as it may help stiffen your resolve not to placidly accept the scientific communities word without close examination.

Vis a vis the reducing effect of gravity on a revolving body: The reducing effect is reported to be so tiny as to lean towards an anomaly in the detectors. However I have found that when an effect is tiny it is sometimes wiser not to go down the path of getting more delicate detectors as they are even more likely to amplify up their own anomalies (or running it in a vacuum to satisfy some scientific sadist with no imagination).

Centrifugal (I believe that word is no longer fashionable) force is used as a good substitute for gravity and is successfully used as a substitute for, and to multiply the effects of, gravity. It may be feasible to centrifuge your test mechanism thereby replicating your tests under much higher “gravity”. Increasing “gravity” should proportionally increase the reduction in the effect of “gravity”, you seek, more clearly showing if the effect is an anomaly or not. The gyro spin axis will off course need to be the same as the centrifuge axis to avoid, for the first time on this forum, the effects of precession.

Kind regards,

PS I shall try one more time to post my misrouted YouTube link on the propulsion question page and apologise in advance if it ends up in the wrong place again.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 10/03/2012 16:15:18
 If scientist believed in what you are talking about, they would have built a testing apparatus the size of the particle accelerate for CERN in Geneva Switzerland-- if necessary. They would not be limited to less than a box emptied of air.

Sorry, Stan.

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