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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: The discovery of blinding speed precession
Hi all,

Without burdening you with tests, observations and timing, this is what I found. Generally, theoretically, if you were to tap your finger moderately quickly downward (.2 seconds time) to cause a Tonka gyroscope to tilt at that speed, it would precess a distance of 887 feet during that .2 seconds. These great speeds & collision forces are attainable,

This investigation is finished for me and some of us and we can go forward from here,

regards, Glenn
Date: 17 January 2013
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Blaze - 17/01/2013 02:58:12
 Hi Glenn. I would say that this was a calculated result. Correct?

Using a moderately sized tabletop gyro this would give over 300,000 rpm, if I have done my math correctly (forgive me if I got this incorrect as I am using my cell phone for a calculator). So great speeds, yes, about 4435 feet/second or about 3000 miles per hour according to your numbers. Even with 1/2 pound flywheel the momentum would be huge.

Of course, I would hate to see the centrifugal force on that. That v squared over r would be incredible. It would also cause incredible, probably insurmountable, problems.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 17/01/2013 09:19:47
 Blaze, Thank you. Let me know where I am wrong here -- and always.

The posted figures I used were accumulated some time ago. The gyro consistently precessed a mean of 56 revolutions. Differently this morning, it is precessing only a mean of 42 revolutions using the same set up. I got 44, 42, 40 and 41 revolutions per tilt. Let’s use these new numbers.

2 pi r = circumference
2 x 43mm x 3.14 = 270mm Circumference x 42 revolutions = 11,340 mm distance precessed

11,340 mm travel distance, divided by the drop, or tilt distance of 38mm = ratio 1/ 298

Time of drop = time of precession = 75 seconds
Approximate time of a finger tap on a table 0.2 seconds

75 seconds multiplied by 0.2 seconds = 375 multiples
375 multiples x 11,340 mm = 4,252,500 mm

According to these calculations precession could travel 14,175 feet in one 1/5 of a second = acceleration 709,00 feet per second.

This of course is not possible as Blaze doubtlessly proves. What can I say. It is a gyroscope.

Nevertheless I have a hundred times in twenty years caused a gyroscopes to fly through the air very fast, by hitting the outside knob of a precessing gyroscope with a 20 ounce framing hammer. It flew from my table across the room into the wall. (importantly! the pedestal goes in the opposite direction even faster)

Now I find again as it is calculably arguable that blinding precession speed is possible, though not as fast the sequence above indicated. It will still be fast enough for me. To know great speed was all I needed, not exactitudes. I know I can build a device to build momentum into powerful collisions. (Yes, the pedestal’s opposite reaction to acceleration. That is our problem and the solution is to each his own.

I love you guys. I came out of a warm bed with a hot women at 3:am to write this for you. You ought to send me a Christmas card : )

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Answer: Blaze - 18/01/2013 23:27:41
 Hi Glenn. I see what you are saying now. You are not saying that all the travel distance of 887 feet took place in the 0.2 seconds of the finger tap. That is the way I read it which was not your intent.

Concerning hitting the gyro with the hammer:
The reason the gyro goes in one direction and the pedestal in the other is because of the huge impulse force (input torque) you are putting on the gyro which causes a huge acceleration of the gyro's precession in probably only a few picoseconds. It makes sense that the gyro flies off in one direction and the pivot in the other with the pivot going further and faster. This is because the precessing gyro "kicks" the pivot with a huge force as its precession accelerates during the hammer blow and the resistance of the pivot due to inertia and friction provides the gyro with something to push against so it can fly off in the other direction. But that is only part of the reason the gyro flies off in the other direction. What is also important is that the centrifugal force experienced by the gyro is also huge and is as much a part of the reason the gyro flies away as anything else. For example, if the input torque from the hammer blow were to increase the "natural" precession rate by 100 times, then the centrifugal force would increase by 10,000 times which would certainly make the gyro fly away with great vigor. It is this centrifugal acceleration that would have to be overcome to have "blinding precession" speed that is useful. The pivot flies away faster because it is considerably lighter than the gyro and therefore easier to accelerate up to a higher velocity.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 19/01/2013 00:47:48
 Blaze hi,
That is a really good! analogy. I think all the force of centrifugal acceleration is released at a right angle into linear velocity the instant the wheel is released from centripetal. Taking my girl out for a dance, some beer and billiards. Meet us at Charley’s. in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee. Bring your date.

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Answer: Blaze - 20/01/2013 15:28:48
 Sorry Glenn. I couldn't make it on time. It is the 4 day drive to get there that is the problem.


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