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Asked by: Ravi
Subject: New Experiments
Question: Ladies and Gentlemen, awesome new data: http://relmachine.blogspot.com

Noteworthy Trends:

A) Of the many very interesting things shown by the graphs, perhaps the most interesting is that during segment 3, it seems the wheel subassemblies experience gravitation opposite to what the previous segments experience.

We can deduce this because we can see from the segment 1 and segment 2 graphs that the subassembly motors draw the most current when they are lifting the assymetric weight of the black motors driving the wheels (we'll call them wheel-motors from now on) against gravity, and ponting them up. Correspondingly, it seems that the subassembly motors draw little or no current, when that assymetric weight of the wheel-motors falls in gravity from the top to the bottom, aiding the rotation of the subassembly.

You will note, however, that in the graph for Segment 3, the situation is reversed! The subassemblies draw little or no current when the wheel-motors are being lifted to the top. Further, when the subassembly is falling, the subassembly motors seems to need a lot of current to make the wheel-motors 'fall'.

Could it be that in the active phase, 'up' is 'down' and 'down' is 'up' from the perspective of the spinning wheels?

B) You will note that in the beginning of Segment 2, when the power is switched on, the wheels fight against each other (both drawing high current) till they find a way to orient their spins away from each other. Thereon, they are happy to maintain a constant rotation and draw low currents, keeping their spins opposed to each other, minimizing the net spin exhibited by the machine as a whole. (Following the path of least action it seems - it would rather the wheel- subassemblies spin internal to the machine than the entire machine roll around.) This seems to be a property of the spin, as physically there is no reason they couldn't rotate in phase. Segment 1 in fact shows very ably that we can physically rotate them in phase without interference from the spin momentum.

C) During Segment 3, the rules are changed again! The wheels are no longer content to be pointing in opposite directions. Now they want to be at 90 degrees to each other!

And you will notice that the most 'lift' is obtained when they are holding that 90 degree configuration for longer - and the corresponding current graphs keep at high values (indicating high torque and high power consumption).

D) Finally, you will also note that in Segment 1, the currents average no more than 0.4 Amperes while in Segment 2, the current drawn has gone up to about 1-2 Amperes, only because we have added a single additional parameter - spin of the wheels.

Further, by the time we get to Segment 3, the currents drawn by the wheel subassemblies have spiked to 5 Amperes simply because we chose to rotate the cage as well.

Date: 24 February 2013
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 24/02/2013 16:18:52
 Hi Ravi,
Welcome back.
Your interesting experimental results will require time to digest and analyze (in a currently tight schedule).

The gyro pursuit is certainly a most interesting and enjoyable hobby.
Best Regards,
Luis G

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Answer: Ravi - 25/02/2013 17:29:12
 Hey Luis,

Hope you're doing well!


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