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Asked by: Hewitt Casper, or just plain Glenn
Subject: It is real
Question: Hello men,

I hope you are not too aggravated with me, because I like and admire you all.

I have done inertial propulsion powerfully and wrote a dissertation on the physic of it. It works absolutely, but for a couple different reasons than most thought.

My claim is that it is there for you, in any way you can skin the cat to get at it. Gook luck an all my best wishes.

Sweet dreams,
Date: 31 July 2013
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 31/07/2013 18:49:59
 This is way too much for me at this time in my life. I need engineers, machinists, cutting machines, a good shop and offices and help in keeping up with everything. Either that, or money to purchase and employ.

I would like to tell and show you all about it, but I don't think I am supposed to right now. I arrived at this following physics that lead me to the writing of hypotheses, the construction of successful tests, to the theory then the proof. There is no question, but that I have easily maintain powerful interior trust without an opposite reaction. Sandy, you were so very close. So very close yes, and yet so very far away, though my methods are not like yours. Believe centrifuge cannot be denied, yet the power of your machine may overwhelm it. I say too much. I will just say I am happy to know you.

If somebody has any suggestions as to how I might form and finance a team, please suggest away.

Regards, Glenn

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Answer: Blaze - 31/07/2013 23:07:39
 Congrats on your accomplishment Glenn. Have you achieved constant thrust, thrust pulses with coasting in between, or something else? I am not asking for any details on how you did it, just curious about the kind of result you got.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/08/2013 02:46:31
 Hi Blaze, and hello gang,
Thank you for your interest in my project. I of course am interested in yours. I have produced a very powerful thrust repeatedly; whenever I like. It is so neat and so different. It just came into my mind and I kept building on it as I entered deeper into it. How does that happen? Where do thoughts really come from?

The device flings itself across a glass table dragging with it little Teflon coated feet, pivots and frame attached. All the mass moves forward. I have tested reloading it and the means to do that is so neat and quick. As it progress, it will swivel back and forth [As if none of you knew? ;-)

It produces an ultimate straight vector from the equal waggling wherein it will push a capsule from the interior without benefit of a backdrop, or rather opposite reaction. As to coasting, I once loaded it with about twenty ounces of ice chips in a bag and the bag flew from it and pulled it. So yes, there are three ways I envision building incremental accelerations into increasing velocity. I know the sling shot ice works well enough, but I feel comfortable I can do much better. In fact I have some good, but incomplete evidence that it can remain in its area of space and apply stead contact force. I’m working on that. It isn’t like any designs we’ve probably ever envisioned. I’m sure it will have to be seen to be believed.

I don’t blame anybody. I would reserve belief of such a clime, but It has for some time pleased me to sense that we five are trueful. I believe absolutely we believe what we say- - whether we are right or wrong. That is a great tribute to our little group.

I did not mean to run off at the mouth. The fingers just started typing and did not know when to stop and certainly their owner is not always home here on the planet to guide them.

I will give you something you may already know. The forces cannot maintain force in a restricted, straight condition. The force must have motion in order to apply itself.

I may have the help I need, a partner to help with the financing. I will know by morning.

Best happiness, Prost and all smiles,
Where is our Harry K.?

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/08/2013 04:02:37
I'm not sure I answered you. I will try. The apparatus must, although I have not proved it yet, thrust repeatedly during the time it is already moving forward. I know about the inch worm effect. I coined the idea. This is not it. This design can build acceleration constantly. Now then to your question.

I's heavy and it's basic movement is to curve very, very fast on a glass table top in a one half circle of about an 8 inch diameter. It stops, unless it is encouraged to reverse against stopping at a time before it stops. During this actions it is restarted to continue repeating. I am not able to test every aspect. I have to built more of the magnesium first and yet . . . I have tested it. If this makes no sense, be sympathetic to my effort. I am trying to explain without explaining. How could I expect to accomplish that?

It looks like I may not have acquired a partner after all.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"
Friedrich Nietcsche

Cheers Glenn,

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/08/2013 19:43:17

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Answer: Harry K. - 01/08/2013 21:57:06
 I'm still here, Glenn. Unfortunately I had less time in the last months (my apologises to Sandy) but I hope to have more time now to contribute here in the forum.
What happened Glenn? I was proud of you and wanted to give my congratualtions to your successful work.
Keep cool, I'm sure you will find a solution!

Best regards,

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 02/08/2013 18:34:17
 Thank you Harry K.

I enjoyed hearing from you and what you've been up to. Thank you for the kind intentions. I maintain the exact same for you and your family. Tell the wife and kids hello from America for me.

I have a great deal of new information to present, but I am tired of it all right now. I am exhausted by it.

I will go ahead and say now that frictionless, reaction-less propulsion is impossible to my mind. No matter how ingeniously you approach the gyroscope, no mater that it gives you the impressions and evidences that you have succeeded, these will be false and only illusions, for it is as delicate and responsive a liar, as the force of a baby's breath. I am sorry everyone. Please know that I continue respecting your projects and work.

In fact I think the universes, big and small would fall in to chaos if the law of equal and opposite were not enforced and acting everywhere, without exception-- perhaps only with the Higgs bosom being the exception, that is the God particle that has no acting direction. Even that is a big perhaps.

(There is a most celebrated Scotsman in modern physics among his pears for you. Sandy Higgs. Hi Sandy. )

It fact I think probably, almost certainly, the universe would not never have form if there were exceptions to the third law.

Did everyone know the three laws of motion are the same thing: the same single condition, but expressed in three different ways?

From love today and kindness, I will be back sometime to tell you what I designed, and to give a complete explanation of gyroscopic that I have written and edited.


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Answer: Hatry K. - 02/08/2013 19:21:15
 Hello Glenn,

Don't give up! You will learn from setbacks! I'm very curious about your ideas thus I hope we have not to wait too long for your theories and explanations.
All the best for you and your family!
Btw, my son has married last month and that was the reason for my absence in the forum. :)


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 02/08/2013 22:03:05
Hello Harry, In happy acquiescence I comply with your charming idea. Thank you for your good wishes.

First installment: my apparatus for testing:

I have a number of neat gyroscopes. Years ago I acquired two crank gyroscopes encased in blue plastic and shaped like flying saucers, with the wheel and pinion gears inside. I have never since seen any. They weight in at 16 onuses each and it takes 30 second of hard cranking to get them up to full speed. Then they are very strong, but they slow down quicker than I would like. To each of these, I attached two short hollow tubes at the rimes at equal diameters; straight across.

I bent four strong rods into curves of 180 degrees. The distance measured from tip to tip of the rods was 10 inches, which was the diameter of the curve. I attached these rods in pairs and in sideways alignment to a base. The short tubes on the rim of the blue gyros were inserted over the top of the curving rods and a spinning gyroscope was dropped to slide down the 180 degrees curving rods.

There are several new tests that can be performed with these apparatus’, especially when they are connected to one another, but first let me say this:

The rods controlled the tilting to the same degree as does the combination of a shaft and pedestal and therefore precession took place.

To the base where the rods are attached I have extended the feet forward beyond the outside of the circumference of the precession circle. Normally a pedestal would be in the center of the precession circle, but with this apparatus there is nothing in the center but empty space and therefore no possibility of friction having an influence in the center of precession, neither can there exist a binary balance between the wheel and a non-existent pedestal; nor does the possibility of centripetal exist.

Another difference in the testing apparatus is that the wheel, as it is tilting in free fall through the 180 degrees bent rods, has nothing to apply its torque against, no shaft, no pedestal.

I am smiling and waiting dear ones.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 02/08/2013 22:57:07
 "I attached two short hollow tubes at the rimes at equal diameters; straight across.


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Answer: Harry K. - 03/08/2013 09:41:56
 Good day Glenn,

I have some difficulties in imagination of your setup. Can you provide a sketch or at least a picture of the crank gyro? However, your description sounds interesting

Have a nice day,

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 03/08/2013 13:30:22
 Hi Harry,
I need to video the things and also my theories may need to be animated. I don't know that I will ever do that. I'm sorry.
Take care, See you later.

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Answer: RS - 05/08/2013 20:07:23
 Hello Glenn,

Please keep an eye out for Mike Marsden's Mac Quan 1, 2 and 3. He has already built an inertial propulsion machine that levitated (Mac Quan 1). I also built an exact replica and am now building my own design and am almost finished. It is only a matter of time until the information is released. I even created an animation to demonstrate just how the Mac Quan is able to convert angular acceleration and angular deceleration into linear acceleration. Let me know if you would like to view it.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 06/08/2013 05:57:18
 Hello R.S.,
Thank you for the offer and I am happy that you stopped to say hello, but such is impossible. I understand it all so well now. We just get tricked into believing.
Do something nice for yourself today; a banana-split and a cherry coke for you and a date, maybe.
Take care, Glenn,

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Answer: RS - 07/08/2013 17:56:56
 Glenn, I had come to the same conclusion as you have, UNTIL I ran into Mike Marsden. It IS possible. It is not a trick. Everyone on here is hopelessly lost into thinking that they can "gyroscopically" propel themselves into space. That is NOT possible! It is not about the mass! It is about moving ENERGY into ONE direction. That is the key. That is what Mike Marsden figured out. It is not about "inertial propulsion". It is about creating an "energy vector". That is how you are able to propel a craft into space without losing any of your mass in the process. It is just a mathematical trick that Mike Marsden figured out. It is the same principle by which light, radio waves, magnetism waves, gravity waves, radiation waves, etc move throughout the Universe. You will see in good time that your efforts have not been a complete waste. It is possible, and Mike Marsden has already proven it at his factory.

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Answer: Leander - 09/09/2013 09:21:12
 Hi RS,
Can you show everyone the animation of how you think the mac-quan 1 works?

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Answer: RS - 10/09/2013 22:00:09
 I am working on an even better animation now. It shows how the force profiles of two "point masses" on the opposite ends of a spinning disc (180 degrees out of phase) with each other can manipulate the Center of Gravity to move into a perfectly straight line, so long as you accelerate and decelerate a single "point mass" for 90 degrees during speed up, then 90 degrees during slow down. The opposite ends "point mass" carves out a perfectly "equal and opposite reaction" arc/trajectory. Then you switch to the opposite side's "point mass" and do that exact same thing again. The "acceleration" and "deceleration" must be done so as to expel the energy in a perfectly linear path, but since you are doing it to two "rotating" "point masses" they end up creating a "coriolis curve" pattern.

It is just a repetitive cycle. The Center of Gravity strangely moves along in a perfectly line, exactly bisecting the middle of these two "point mass" trajectories and gains a linear rate at a ratio of exactly 1.499999999. It is literally the conversion of "angular acceleration and angular deceleration into LINEAR acceleration" as Mike Marsden stated in his video. What is your email address?

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Answer: Leander - 10/09/2013 22:38:46

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Answer: RS - 11/09/2013 01:37:24
 I'll try to have it done and out to you in a week or so.

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Answer: RS - 14/09/2013 01:53:50
 I emailed it....

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Answer: Lev - 25/06/2014 23:41:36
 Hi, RS

Could you perhaps share that animation you have of how you think it works? I have several simulation software, and some kind of a work place where I can build things. I agree with you perfectly. gyro propulsion is wrong. if inertial propulsion is real it only should work in the same plan. , I understand perfectly the energy in ordinary situations. I have some important points.

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