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1 December 2024 20:28

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Asked by: Manish Jadhav
Subject: Aircraft
Question: Why gyroscopes are used in aircrafs? What systems are used with gyroscope in aircraft?
Date: 11 October 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Richard T. Anderson - 15/10/2004 21:58:46
 There are various types of gyros used in aircraft. Included on the list are some of the following:
Attitude Gyro
Directional Gyro
Turn and Bank Gyro
Azimuth Gyro
Displacement Gyro
Rate Gyro

Not all aircraft will have all of the above units. How many gyros are used and which ones are used is typically determined by the complexity of the aircraft itself. For example a basic Cessna will have attitude and direction gyros that operate on vacuum that is generated by a pump mounted on the engine. That same Cessna will have an electrically operated Turn and bank gyro. If the aircraft does not have an autopilot installed these units are used only as visual references to the pilot. If an autopilot is included in the aircraft these units in addition to the visual display will also have electrical outputs that control servo motors which in turn will control the movement of the aircraft around the three primary axis Pitch (nose up and down), roll (wings up and down) and yaw (direction of turn). Much more complex aircraft will have all of the above gyroscopes and could also have a displacement gyro or azimuth gyro and a rate of turn gyro. Typically on these higher end aircraft all gyros will be operated electrically. For example military aircraft use 115 Vac at 400HZ as the primary power. These are much more precise gyroscopes than would be found on a Cessna and of course considerably more expensive, but serve the same purpose which is to keep the aircraft straight and level and flying on a predetermined course as determined by the autopilot system.

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