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Asked by: Danny Short
Subject: who runs this site???
Question: It looks to me like this friendly website is here to help all would be inventors "get it together". The problem i have with this site is that i dont believe its what it apears to be, its kind of negative!!!

maybe i watch too much X-files.

I hope so.
Date: 14 December 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: webmaster@gyroscopes.org - 15/12/2004 11:01:05
 To answer your first question I run this website. My name is Glenn Turner by the the way.

The whole point of the site was indeed to try and bring together inventors in the same area of research, to stimulate interest, to assit and to inform the general public.
I'm also trying to create a bridge between the scientists and inventors/engineers. The scientists have been in the past over pessimistic regarding this field of research and the
inventors/engineers far to optimistic.

Hope this explains a little more what I'm trying to do with the site.

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Answer: Nitro MacMad - 15/12/2004 16:26:23
 Dear Danny Short,

Don’t believe a word of Glen’s reply. It is obvious that some secret government department has set up this site. Its sole purpose is to give an early warning of anyone getting close to the secret of “antigravity” so they can be “dealt with”.

Some of the dodgy characters like “Ram Firestone” (an obvious American secret agent’s pseudonym if ever I saw one) that can be found in the “gyroscopic propulsion” section of this forum will swiftly confirm that the Yanks are party to this.

This secret government unit hides behind the front of being part of The Value Added Tax (a contradiction in terms, surely) collection system. I know this because after declaring success in my approach to completing my machine on this site I was taken by people I thought were my friends and subjected to mind numbing substances. Shortly after this, I found myself semi conscious next to a bottle that clearly showed my abductors to be from the dreaded V.A.T. department 69.

Way - way too much Mouldy and Skullface.

Kind regards

PS Sorry, flu is affecting my sense of reality --- or is it?

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Answer: Danny Short - 04/01/2005 19:28:47
 Why would i question this site?

Well, because its Obvious how to make a Gyroscopic Propulsion system. My cat could do it! So why all the mystery?

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Answer: Ram Firestone - 06/01/2005 04:06:11
 Sorry Nitro you pegged me wrong. There is no way I would work for the US government, at least not at this time. I’m not real pleased with the current boss. However I do seem to be in the minority in this opinion. And Danny if you know how to build a gyroscopic propulsion system, I’m sure we would all be very interested if you would show us how.


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Answer: DaveS - 07/01/2005 12:32:57
 I'm watching you and your cat.

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Answer: Victor Geere - 30/04/2005 18:57:11
 ...and no trace of Danny or his cat. DaveS, good job.

If you are going to invent a gyroscopically propelled device, you are going to put yourself in a position in which you will need a thick skin, and maybe Teflon kneecaps. Maybe this site is a training ground in more ways than one. On the other hand, nasty characters on the screen are just bits and bytes just like the good characters, or maybe I have a thick skin already.

What irritates me is the load of noise one has to trawl through to get to the sound reasoning. Welcome to the internet.

Good point Danny.

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