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Asked by: Luis Gonzalez
Subject: Why do we post our ideas, are rhetorical questions better?
Question: We post questions to get answers, but why do we post thoughts (great or small)?
Though knowledge may be its own reward its greatest joy is in its sharing (be it for ego, altruism, or the spectrum of what lies between them).
But sharing thoughts can have opposite result from what we seek. No one likes being told what is correct (or not), or how to find a way that’s true to the secrets that we seek.
In short oracles are sneered at, the truths within lost, left hanging in mid air for others with less lofty goals to pluck at latter times and having found the gold, enrich themselves.
There is much more joy through discovering “on our own” secrets, facts, and truths we seek, then to have them tossed at us in simple prose by knavish ones who smear the very ones we worship! Be they Einstein’s, Newton’s, Kidd’s, or any other who brings order to the wonderings of our lost thoughts.

So, I stop and give no longer answers, but rather ask the questions that I probed to gain them.
These are basic questions; without their knowledge it is folly to embark in building things that we would then know too little of. Not that there is so much wrong with folly, for through it man has made forward motion, a midst our blindness and deafness; though we may be daft we can still be deft at doing.

Consider the following 3 basic questions and ask if you have a satisfactory answer or theory:

1) Why does precession occur at 90 degrees (to the applied force/torque/acceleration), regardless of the magnitude of the torque, and the magnitude of the gyro spin velocity, and regardless of how you change the relationships between these magnitudes?

2) Why does a constant force/torque/acceleration produce precession with a constant velocity?

3) In a basic two gyro configuration system (starting with gyros NOT spinning), we thrust downward the gyros (from upper position to lower position). Any upward gain the system obtains (due to the downward thrust of masses) will be lost when the mass of the gyros has to stop at the bottom.
What will happen if, after the downward thrust and before the bottom is reached, we a) start the gyros spinning and after a short increment of time b) apply a lateral/ horizontal torque on the system?
Will the entire force of the downward thrust become absorbed into precession?
Will some of the downward thrust become absorbed into precession?
Will none of the downward thrust become absorbed into precession?
How do we know how much of the initial thrust is converted and how much is not?
On what basis can we make these conjectures? What experiment will prove them?

These are rhetorical questions. Whether they are answered or not tells us something about our groups of explorers, including me.
Do we have answers, or theories, and if so, how are these supported?

Thank you, Luis
Date: 30 April 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/05/2006 23:28:23

I was at a loss with your post. I broke it down, condensed it and studied it. You wouldn’t believe it.

Back off. You are working too hard. Our subconscious mind, which this particular search can overload, is a beautiful, delicate thing. I’ve seen mine while I worked it in my sleep. It was like the rainbow in the watercolors of Walt Disney productions, only far smaller and shimmering soft. It was my mother is some way, gentle, so gentle and sweet and delicate beyond description. Finally one time it could not answer a question I had put to it before sleeping. It was the saddest experience. I woke up without the answer, but the sadness lasted for many days and I felt guilty for having forced it to work for me for so many years. I remember it vividly to this day and I’m careful as I always was, but more careful now. I don’t use it anyway. I don’t need to any more. Silly? We know about the brain. It is an organ. We know the physiology of the mind. We don’t know what consciousness is. There’s no mumbo jumbo here. The subconscious is real and it has special abilities and the pathways to it are hidden from consciousness.

I have a childhood friend, now a contractor who forced his subconscious to work too hard, giving it no respect or kindnesses. Tommy is a good guy, but also a tough, hard and determined man. He had studied a book, learned to squat in a corner, demand of himself an answer and pop into sleep and out of sleep in two to five minutes. When he awoke he knew where he’d put, or seen car keys and whatever, remembered phone numbers and prices and agreements word for word of months ago. One night it attacked him.

He said, and he became emotional as he talked to me, “Glenn, it was the most horrible, ugly thing I’ve ever seen. It was imaginable. I can’t describe it. It came down the hall toward my bedroom where my wife and me were sleeping. It was coming for me. Every night it would start from the same place and get one step closer. After many nights it reached my bedroom door. The next night it started from the same place down the hall as always and when it reached my bedroom door this time, it opened it. It was so horrible a thing I can’t describe it. Every night it would get one step closer from down the hall thru the door to my bed. I knew that when it reached me and touched me I would die. I would try to get up and face it. I would try and try and try, but I couldn’t. It was too horrible. The night it reached my bed and was looking down at me I got up and faced it ready to fight. It went away and never came back. That was fifteen years ago. I don’t force my subconscious any more for every little thing just because I can.”

Luis, I sense you may be using your subconscious and perhaps not being aware of it. That’s ok. Use it. I highly recommend it, but carefully and genially with it. Nobody here is working so hard as you. I see this, because I’ve been through it. There is no joy in physics and knowledge as you said. You should back off completely for a month or more. Don’t think about it at all for a good while. When you come back you’ll know much more than you know now. You can try to fine ways to have fun for a while. That’d be best…. and Luis, that’d be safest for you right now.


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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 02/05/2006 00:24:05
The mind, like our physical organs and muscles, can accomplish many things but more so after proper exercise, nourishment and care. Underused muscles, organs, and minds become week in a similar way that abused ones do.
I have worked hard since I turned 18 years old and I learned long ago to nourish, rest, and exercise my body, mind and soul, with the help of God.
Glen, pick up a book about Thomas Edison’s life, and you will never worry about anyone else’s mind again.
Suggestion is the worst attack one can engage in; some people don’t even realize they are doing it, but I suspect you do. Be careful not to hurt your self while trying to hurt someone else. Suggestion is reflexive (in case you didn’t know) when misused it turns back upon the attacker. Those ghosts that confuse the mind and scare the soul, that’s where they come from.

Beyond the conscious is the subconscious and beyond that is the super-conscious which is like a collective unified mind where the answers can be obtained with very little effort. Only one source can provide the answers without a heavy price (take a guess).
The answers from the super-conscious flow; they can even come out in poetry.
But we still need to study the facts about the subject beforehand (otherwise no answers). Facts are only absorbed through the conscious mind (as beliefs are); that is the limiting factor (it has always been).
Trying to obtain results from subconscious or super-conscious beyond the knowledge of the conscious can confuse and hurt you (anyone doing that should stop before it’s too late).

In the mean time, pick just one of the questions or stand aside and let someone else take a try at it (leave the ghosts in peace).

I have a feeling we managed to screw up yet another good thread-start.
Thank you, Luis

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 02/05/2006 02:50:18
 UNBELEAVABLE! So you kid are an expert on everything. You don’t know much. Until you have a master’s degree or better you have no expertise in these particular things you are espousing. I told you the truth. The stories I told you were true stories. I tried to teach you something special. You can’t see that. You don’t know what I’m talking about even as you read. I tried to help you. You think I’ve attacked you. How nutty.

Answers! I have all the answers! You don’t want answers. You do not want answers, you don’t, you don’t and you don’t know that you don’t. Everything I told you was true and all you responded with was gibberish just like your initial post.

I’ll tell you one thing, you don’t want me to reveal what I found as I psychoanalyzed you’re writing during the last few weeks and most revealing of all is this post and reply.

Last week you were attacking Sandy Kidd. Yes you were. Don’t deny it. He finally answered angrily at one point as any man would. This week you say you are worshiping! him, a human. You’d better get a handle on it.

Don’t you get it? You don’t want answers. Destroy your post? No body is going to answer this post, except maybe Jerry and you’ll attack him again. Dear sweet Jerry, how could anybody attack him! You ask for it, Luis. Almost everyone here has given it to you. Now me too. This is no accident. Don’t you get it? You ask for it.

Forget about Edison. Get away from this for a while before you lose it. Find some fun sometimes.

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Answer: DaveS - 02/05/2006 12:11:51
 Last post from me to you Luis. So if you flame this, don't expect a reply.

Glenn and Sandy and the rest of the crowd here are too polite and nice in how they have tried to deal with your posts.
In fact, I was starting to dread looking on the forum as you seem to have taken it over. It was getting to be the Luis show on here.
Try reading the thread topic, "Piffle, waffle, etiquet and Newtons Laws.

So you have finally managed to p*ss everyone off. Congratulations. You as suggested by others, do talk gibberish and you change your views completely from post to post. You try to talk knowledgably about the subject and basically do not have a clue. You describe experiments with string, rubber bands, lumps of wood etc.. You also respond to your own posts. In addition you are the worst kind of know-it-all, one who forms his own opinions and never listens to the truth.
I have had enough of your garbage and am relegating you to the do not read list.
I do not see how you can add to my understanding of physics or gyroscopic behaviour.

Good day to you.

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 03/05/2006 03:02:48
I ski winters, swim summers, travel abroad every 3 to 5 years, and you want me to have fun? I am watching TV as I write this; it’s not really as hard as you make it Glen.
I don’t think either of us has anything that’s of interest or value to the other.
I will agree to stay out of your threads if you will stay out of mine (we reserve the right to defend if attacked).

All BS aside, which of the points I have made do you find in error?
Will you / can you state your argument against any of the items, and backup your argument with facts and logic? I look forward to it; unless you “flame” (whatever that means).

If not interested in my threads don’t read them. I don’t write them for either of you.
I will stay out of this forum if our host wishes me to; I don’t have a problem with that at all.

Thank you, Luis

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