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20 May 2024 10:58

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Asked by: Jim Stevenson
Subject: Gyro Emergency in Space
Question: Just trying to make sure all are aware of the International Space Station situation, that may cause a terrible event to happen unless the next Shuttle Mission is changed. One Gyro went down several weeks ago, but wasn't reported until the 11th. Here is a news link to just some of the problems;
The actual date of problem was more like what is reflected in this link;
A space center local tv station reported the mission would likely be changed here;
But more recent responses from NASA seem to indicate that they will go ahead and bring even more mass and conduct more construction, despite a flawed Gyro design and likely loss of attitude when they have to shut down at least 2 more Gyros for rewiring. That leaves one gyro, and so many maybe, may, perhaps and other exceeding of mission parameters, that it's almost as if someone wants to destroy the ISS. The scientists have warned management of the situation, but management is GO. I've been trying to reveal the falsified dates, reports and smoke and mirrors with the press of this issue, but very few see the potential for danger. many don't understand gyros and how important they are to the ISS and Shuttle when they are docked, and more mass is coming up too. There are now less than 3 weeks till this mission is begun. People have to be warned. There could be loss of lives, or the ISS or Shuttle. This is an international situation and it seems like no one gets it, but if all goes wrong, the International community will blame each other, and yet no one seems to be listening while there is still time. I have been posting on this issue since before NASA announced the issue at last on Oct 11. Maybe if someone from a site that specializes on Gyroscopic information warned the international community as well, maybe another voice would help. This looks like it could shape upto be a real mess. What do you think ?
Date: 20 October 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Jim Stevenson - 10/11/2006 07:28:42
 The date of the mission seems to be in complete flux. It could be sooner or later. With the Gyroscope issue I am all for delaying or changing the Shuttle mission. The official line "seems" to be that the launch window is perhaps wrong because the Shuttle could face a Y2K.007 computer glitch, as it may have a problem knowing what day it is after new years eve if it is still in space. This has been published in numerous forms, and is confusing to get the real data. Here is a link to a source that seems to understand the actual computer issue...;


It seems hard to believe, but actually with all the political confusion right now, it's hard to say which direction is up anyhow, hopefully that will settle and cooler heads will address the Gyro issue, before they do something that may not be wise for the International Space Station or the Shuttle. A Gyro is not an unknown element in space, many Gyros have been working over a decade in space with no maintainence in unmanned craft. In fact the only gyros I know of that have had problems are in projects that were designed to be serviced by the Shuttle ; ie the ISS and Hubble Telescope. I imagine that must be a coincidence, but like I said Gyros have been in use for a long time, they should not have such a high failure rate. Very Odd. Comments or news ?

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