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Asked by: Guy Ruggiero
Subject: gyro MK 12-1
Question: I found an old wooden box in basement. It has a something in it called a MK 12-1 Gyro
Can you forward me any information? Is it worth anything?
It's pretty cool looking ..thanks!
Date: 6 September 2003
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: webmaster@gyroscopes.org - 08/09/2003 09:48:55
 It maybe best to send me a picture to give some more clues. Its no doubt worth something, the question is how much. The wooden box suggests it may be a torpedo gyro because thats what they tend to be stored in.

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Answer: Andrew Gee - 16/11/2003 10:24:11
The Mk12 Gyro from memory is out of the Mk14 torpedo - standard USN WW2 period. (Stainless steel contruction)
Suggest to research on Ebay for approx. value. as 3 have been listed for sale over the last year.

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Answer: Jason - 02/02/2004 06:49:04
 Hi Guy!
It sounds like a definite US torpedo gyroscope. I would love to see some pictures of it and the box. Thier was at least 3 MK12 mods for that gyro of the years with the biggest difference being located on its base. I have put together a rather large display of torpedo gyroscopes from all of the world from 1890 to present day. Please let me know if it is for sale also. I would love some pictures.

Miami, Fl

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Answer: Shawn Rhyne - 20/12/2004 01:08:40
 I have an mk12-1 and an mk12-3 gyro... both were my grand fathers... i can not find much information on them... i would really like to get one of them going but it seems impossible by hand...

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Answer: bruce - 27/05/2005 20:53:14
I have a Weymouth 1905 solid brass gyro [good nick] for a mark II torpedo -in wooden box for trainnng purposes. Would be interested in selling or an idea of value.


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Answer: Jason - 29/06/2005 19:13:05
If still availible, I would love some pictures of your Whitehead Gyro. I have numerous Whitehead Gyros of different eras and would be interested in seeing photos and maybe purchasing it. Especially if it falls on the timeline not currently represented.


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Answer: Ed Kaprocki - 12/08/2008 05:16:00
 If you're looking for a good home for that MK 1 gyro please let me know. I grew up with one as a toy that my father gave me and somehow it got lost. Now that I work for the military as an engineer just seeing one brings back so many memories. They are quite a work of art and it deserves to treated as such. All the history that goes with it is incredible, too.

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Answer: John Fakan - 26/07/2009 01:43:45
 I didn't see any photos of the MK 12 gyro posted. Would such photos still be of interest? I would be happy to take and post a few.

Also, one poster mentioned trying to spin up a MK 12 gyro. I haven't tried it yet, but the spin maintenance system would probably spin up the gyro in a reasonable period of time. All that would be required is a compressed air source and a means to couple the air to the opening in the center of the upper bearing. This passageway is normally supplied with 125 psi air by a regulator in the MK 14 torpedo, so typical general purpose air compressors should work well. The purpose of the gyro spinning and unlocking mechanism that would normally spin up the gyro (to 20,000 rpm) is designed to do so very quickly -- as the torpedo is fired and well before the torpedo even leaves the tube. The 125 psi spin maintenance air then maintains the spin for the duration of the torpedo run. The spin maintenance air is channeled to the turbine buckets along the equator of the gyro wheel via two symmetrical paths that run through the centers of the four gimbal bearings, so the orientation of the gyro gimbals would not be important when spinning it up using the maintenance air method.

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Answer: Guy Ruggiero - 27/01/2010 00:49:34
 I have pictures of the Gyroscope that is in my basement. (along with wooden box it came in)..not sure how to post them though....

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Answer: Jason Abels - 08/05/2010 00:16:57
Can you send some photos of your gyro? I may be able to help ID it for you.


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Answer: Taigh Ramey - 13/05/2015 16:40:55

Would you gyro still be available? Our museum just acquired a Mk 13 torpedo for our 1945 Lockheed PV-2D Harpoon (long range US Navy patrol bomber) and we are going to restore the torpedo. We could use a gyro for it and as a display for educational purposes. We promise to give it a great home and many will see and appreciate it including those that worked with it.

We have limited funds so we could buy it if its reasonable but we are also a 501c3 nonprofit organization so if a tax write off is of interest we can give you a donation letter. IRS guidelines say that donations valued under $5000 do not need to have an appraisal. Our torpedo was also donated under this program as well as the Harpoon itself.

Thanks in advance for any help as we could really use a gyro and any other components or technical information applicable to the Mark 13 aerial torpedo.

Taigh Ramey
Stockton Field Aviation Museum
Google search 'PV-2D 84062' or our museum name for more information on the Harpoon

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