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Asked by: Hawkins
Understanding the acceleration into precession

If you want it simple: The beginning of acceleration from zero into the slowness of precession begins and ends in a fractional distance less than an inch. During this fractional time and fractional distance the acceleration is almost equal to the acceleration of gravity, though the force of gravity may not always initiate gyroscopic tilting, but merely supply pressure from gravity to press at a tilted angle against angular momentum. It should be rationally obvious that the acceleration of gravity is responsible for the initial acceleration of precession and that the two represents a close relationship of initial acceleration rates. You can’t see that fast. You can’t detect the acceleration of an object falling one foot. Your perception is partially tricked and you perceive only a constant velocity and yet, you rightly perceive a passage of time. Try it out. Drop an object from one hand to the other. You should become aware that action takes time to act, that the beginning and end of a distance traveled requires time, that changing from a still position to precession speed can’t happen instantaneously. The acceleration time into top precession speed can’t be greater than it’s cause, greater than a gyroscope beginning the fall into gravity.

If you want it slightly more detailed: The speed of gravity is 32 ft. per sec. Thirty-two feet multiplied by the first one-forth inch of precession movement is 32’ x 48, equaling the fraction 1/ 1,536 of a second. By contrast your human eye frames images ranging from, depending on this and that, 30 to 200 fixations per second. With these fixation limitations you cannot detect the evidence of acceleration occurring during a ¼” distance at 1/1,536 of a second. In this, human, you are allowed only to perceive velocity. We however have developed a well-known way of knowing. In today’s science accuracy is measured in milliseconds, 1/1,000 of a sec. and nano distances, atomic distances, wherein there is a very great divide between time and distance for velocities and accelerations and wherein these thought inventions provide a wonderfully useful way for we to know, we the special species, we the cranial God like vessels, the epitome of competence, thought and genius, but who are also poor creatures of greatly limited physical senses perception, and therefore are allowed by, God’s tolerance, to use our minds to know what we cannot see. As to our limitations, a point in fact is that most of Einstein’s elementary mechanical examples play on the limitations of man’s senses, while at the same time relying on his ability to perceive what he cannot sense. Everything being relative then, in the mechanics of electromagnetism for instance, accelerations can be by comparison exceedingly faster and greatly more powerful than the slow and week force of earth’s gravity, so much so that in the precision of the timing of gears, cams, cranks and such the idea of near-instantaneousness precession and other imposable timeless happenings quickly fade into the oblivion of useless and incorrect guess work.

Date: 12 November 2007
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 18:46:39

Concerning a lesser important topic around here, the health of the earth, please lend me your ear. We all are such a great homogeneous contingent of genius that we may, with full pry understanding permit the destruction of the livability of our home planet, while the Bushes and the Nitros of the world call the evil, Al Gore, ozone man. (Ha, and a wink to you my friend, not to, Bush.) My ancestral home, for which I have a good measure of devotion and which is your present home, England, will be among the first to fall beneath the waves. I haven’t heard a response from you on this. I’m sort of kidding, but I repeat please, what’s wrong with my magnificent champion, Al Gore and what should be your champion in accordance with his similar environmental views, Prince Philip? Perhaps you made a small mistake, yes?

I know you are an alright buckaroo who seldom rides sidesaddle, except perhaps when he’s traipsing through the snail eater’s vineyards. I very much enjoy your good and sincere posting about the things you enjoy and the love you have for your wife. And so I say to you as it was once said to me in gentle abiding, mutual kindness. “Sir, you’s my ace if you don’t never win no race.” Now, about my fellow Tennesseean, Al Gore…?


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Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 19:33:12

PRECESSION LOSES MASS? This is so impossible it hurts. Mater can’t alternately lose and regain it’s gravitational attachment any more than it can disappear and reappear. I was sure we knew, “Beam me up Scotty”, was science fiction, as well as your, Mary Poppins, popping in and out of the TV screen between commercials. Take my word for it. She wasn’t real. You were being tricked by a cleverly disguised electronic imaging technique called “here a moment, gone a moment ”. Am I being silly? Well, just how silly is the idea that a piece of medal can lose its mass while its spin is tilting? Duh!

Well bless your heart. Excuse me. Do I dare say, or rather do I dare suggest that mass and gravity could not instantaneously disappear without a heat exchange near that generated on the surface of the sun? That’s a place where matter is converted in to energy and energy doesn’t weigh anything just like your gyroscope sometimes doesn’t weigh anything, right? Will that do, the sun example to support gyro gravity weight loss? Please be patient with me, I don’t even think that a none-heat exchange would be possible even in good science fiction writing. If you little darlings cannot be persuaded by the sweetest of my words then what is one say against such diehard beliefs? The answer is nothing. One may outline mechanical logic for the competent. Beyond that he cannot do much at this site. You here on the super natural side of it are wonderful and kind and generous and brilliant and I would so much like to help you count your money one day. All of it! Pleaseeee!

The combination of gyro and pedestal will register the same weight whether, precessing, or lying still. I’ve explained why centrifuge and momentum may not register to a non-receptive audience. I am so amassed by my fellow man. Being an intelligent being, nonetheless that he is, he just can’t get it.

He thinks the effects of dynamics are fickle, like the German, Ammo Dump Annie was fickle. Too much guard duty in the night without shelter in the cold German winter rains I guess. Poor Annie. It was not all her fault. You are all all right though. Many other people are guilty of misplace affection and fickle physics. I’m about to making myself laugh too much if I don’t shut up, but how else does one deal with serious beliefs that gyros possess magical abilities. Aw to heck with it. Your gyro can lose weight if you want it to. Let me know when it’s time to help count your money.


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Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 19:37:13

Do not underestimate yourself, Nitro. The explanation that ‘terrestrial’ means that your gyro exist somewhere in a universe filled with gravity, as opposed to where else it could possible be is wild enough explanation for me. I’m not disappointed at all. As I expected I will be confused for days. good cheers and a wink.


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Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 19:51:11

An odd observation: For sometime I have been curious. I remember the best of the engineers and doctors I was lucky enough to be around. They had the most wonderful sense of humor and were friendly with everyone; more over I remember them as calmly charming and interested in anyone near them. Forget the Hollywood stereotype mad scientist. These seemed as normal as you and me and they worked intently enjoying using their gifts alone at a desk for an hour, or so. Then they would meet grinning and smiling with something ready to say about anything in life, but not their work. They were resting their attention span. They would meet at the water fountain and coffee bar as if a silent bell had rang only in their minds. They knew when to meet. Then soon after they would scatter back to their work as if the same hidden bell had rang again. They were happy people enjoying what they did. I sometimes wonder why I never find a sudden, unexpected obelisk turn, or humorous treat here to jerk me away momentarily and rest me. They best at this physics game I ever knew would habitually take a little happy break. Should we be different? Is that what ‘s meant as BS here, a little diversion? I thought single mindedness was short mindedness. There is a whole colorful, diverse world out there. You can pause to imagine it once in a while. You don’t have to stay hunkered over, glued to a paper, absorbed beyond the possibility of an outside thought entering your head. Trust me. You’ll do better if you occasionally let your mind wonder away and then wonder back. This work just isn’t hard enough to hold an average IQ to it all the time.

Well my beauties to each his own. I was much the same. I did whatever I did as I pleased. Have a good evening. I will sometimes make an attempt at a little humor, because I like it and it puts me in uncommonly good company as I remember.


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Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 19:58:06

Concerning a lesser important topic around here, the health of the earth, please lend me your ear. We all are such a great homogeneous contingent of genius that we may, with full pry understanding permit the destruction of the livability of our home planet, while the Bushes and the Nitros of the world call the evil, Al Gore, ozone man. (Another Ha, and wink to you my friend, but not to, Bush.) My ancestral home, for which I have a good measure of devotion and which is your present home, England, will be among the first to fall beneath the waves. I haven’t heard a response from you on this. I’m sort of kidding, but I repeat please, what’s wrong with my magnificent champion, Al Gore and what should be your champion in accordance with his similar environmental views, Prince Philip? Perhaps you made a small mistake, yes?

I know you are an alright buckaroo who seldom rides sidesaddle, except perhaps when he’s traipsing through the snail eater’s vineyards. I very much enjoy your good and sincere posting about the things you enjoy and the love you have for your wife. And so I say to you as it was once said to me in gentle abiding, mutual kindness. “Sir, you’s my ace if you don’t never win no race.” Now, about my fellow Tennesseean, Al Gore…?


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Answer: Hawkins - 12/11/2007 20:40:34
 Dear Nitro,

I would only ask one thing. You said precession doesn’t somehow suck the energy from gravity. What part of my explanation did you not understand? Perhaps you merely disagree? How can that be? Disagree with what? Tell me pacifically ‘how’ and ‘why’. One must have reasons to make statements, particularly counter statements. Start with my words. Address my words, my descriptions.

While I’m at it forget about bearing loads being responsible for nutations. Read the new material and study it. Make direct comets and give explanations if you like. I can’t believe this. …OK, I’ll show you how to object without being sneaky.

You said, “Oh! Incidentally, the reason that a gyro drops slightly… then largely recovers, is not because it is somehow sucking energy out of gravity to power its precession, but because of the hefty instantaneous bearing load drag being precessed … at the moment of release because of its near infinite acceleration.”

Are you saying that the pinpoint contact of a ball joint like conection between two cold, hard material surfaces at the piviot point is responcible for a gyro lunging downward? If not, are you saying that the pin point contact causes too much resistance to precession and that without precession the gyro lunges downward, until precession can adjust to stop it? "Precession is infinitely fast", but very slow to get started? What happen to instantaneous? How do you reason there is much bearing load resistance at such a small pinpoint contact between two hard, cold surfaces? You suggestion that precession is so near infinitely fast it is beyond the inertial law? (It’s not so fast. Read my explanation) If it were as fast as you say why does it take so long to get started? The lunge begins and ends, before precession begins. How’s that again? You think acceleration into precession is near infinitely fast that it would have to be without mass? How do you assume this, by sighting acceleration? Human senses are too limited to do that. (Read my post.) Then how? How do you know?

I just read you statement again. "The precession process does not suck energy from gravity?" (Yes, of course it does. Read my post again.) Precession you say is caused by the hefty instantaneous bearing load drag? What do you mean jellybean? If such a heavy drag actually existed here (It doesn’t.) and its entry were instantaneous (It isn’t.) would not its departure be also instantiations? If it all could happen so near infinitely fast how could it have any effect at all? You assumed, and then tested for instantiations and infinite? How is it possible to test for that? How did you confirm all this? You didn’t? OK how do you assume it? I’ll pause to hear answers to my questions. Try to use mechanical sequences as answers. Nitro, this is how you engage in open debate. This is how you don’t do it, “Oh! Incidentally, the reason that…” as you use it here is an indirect challenge to what has been previously written. OK, I don’t mind. Let’s get it on. Be direct.


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Answer: Hawjins - 15/11/2007 14:32:37
 The last oratory I gave on the adaptations of mass lose and recovery.


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